Lectures in Malta

Professor G. Karwasz delivered (22-23/04/2018) three lectures at University of Malta.

The tittle of the main lesson was: 

"On constant moving of frontiers between Physics, Metaphysics and Theology".

Prof. G. Karwasz thanks the whole Faculty members at University of Malta (and students) for the warm welcome.

Photos and additional materials - soon. 


  1. G. Karwasz,
    Il costante progredire della frontiera tra teologia e scienza: “Fisica”
    Scientia et Fides, 3(1)/2015, 61
  2. G. Karwasz, 
    Il constante progredire della frontiera tra teologia e scienza Parte 2º: Metafisica,
    SetF, 4(1)/2016, 2016, 151, 1