Quarks and cheese
6 quarks in 3 colors, and anty-quarks, and gluons, and leptons: poor God is getting a headache!

"Three quarks for Muster Mark"

Proton & Co. [note]


Quarks almost the same, but the smells different ! [note]


What mesons are? Charmionium chart D-charmed mesons

Hadrons in strong interactions [Gesselshaft fur Schwerionenforschung mbH, Darmstadt]

See quarks

A model of proton and neutron (metal cubes) show another feature of quarks:
there are inside, like two pictures on opposite walls,
but no one can get them out of the cubes .

Cheese in case-in quark

lepto Lights and heavies
Full center! - lepton tau taupair Lepton-tau story

What is leptons' mass?
What is quarks' mass?

Very heavy photonswtrack The first trace of W boson [CERN]

To fly, like higgs on LEP LHC Is this the first Higgs?

Cartesius' particles or Newton's fields ?

proton Beyond the Standard Model? standard

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