K mesons inside nuclear matter

In spite of the fact that K+ (with quark content us) and K- (us) mesons seems to be completely "symmetrical", their behaviour in presence of other quarks is not the same. Duringa a collision of proton (udd) with another proton to create K+ kaon, there is necessary creation of one s antiquark, and for creation of K- kaon, there is needed creation of s quark and simoultaneously change of u w antykwark u. From this reason during proton - proton collisions (plot on right top) probability of creation K- kaon, especially with small energy range of collisions, is decisively lower than K+ kaon creation probability.

Theoretical model (plot on left) predicts, that K- meson mass decreases with increase of density of sorrounding it nuclear matter, but for K+ meson mass increase (from about 493 MeV, which is value for free mesons). As far as in free protons collisions probability of creation of K+ i K- mesons is not the same, for nuclei collisions (such experiments are performed in Darmstadt) mass change effect causes, that probability are the same (plot on right low).


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