Multimedia files -
simulations and models

General relativity (1)

Only Newton's 1/r2 gravitational field gives closed orbits.
Presence of Sun modifies geometry of space making Mercury orbit visibly (0.48'' for century) open.
The following programme (cortesy of dott. Mauro Brunato) shows how orbits get open for fields other than
Youa can load zip or exe version, together with example of input parameters.

See also films on open and closed orbits

General relativity (2)

General relativity predics also that light rays are cuvred in presence of mass
(by a factor of two more that it would result from Newton's theory).
Therefore, light from distant stars is curved and/or doubled by massive galaxies,
like on this photo from Hubble telescope hubble

A similar effect is common as you see in these photos:

1. a special "magic" eye oko    oko

2. a simple ruler ruler

3. infinity of "fashionable" gadgets from window shops

koza     kula   samo   lisa  mis
Trento                        Milano            Verona                    Paris

Elementary particles
Electron is a lepton - light particle, like e Greek "small" euro coin   lepto1
Positron seems to be the same as electron - just its reverse,
but maybe is slightly different? (find the difference)   positron   positron-a
Lepton tau is still called "light" but it is heavier that proton and neutron, which are called "hadrons", i.e. heavy tau
Proton, neutron and antiproton are 1837 times heavier than electron (2 zł coin is like 1 euro)
Proton proton  and neutron   are made of quarks: we know that three are inside but nobody can extract them
proton (quarks uud), neutron (quarks udd), antyproton (anti-quarks uud) - see the "tails" of quarks "up" and "down"

Quarks differ by mass, electrical charge, flavour (strange, beatiful) and color; then we have anti-quarks

They do not stay still proton  inside nucleons but spin so quickly that seem to be white pralka
This is so called "Standard Model" of elementary particles. But, maybe, proton is more complex, like this cube? cube

Quantum (Wave) Mechanics

Modelling of wave packets scattering on a potential barrier is a common task quantum scattering
We give here some links:


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