How to count atoms?

The best way is on your fingers. But you need a very small finger!

Quite precisely atoms can be „counted” by X-rays: they are diffracted on crystal planes, like the light on a CD disk. Thighter are placed the atoms – more distant are light spots on the screen.There are others ways of counting atoms (i.e. calculation of the Avogadro or Loschmidt number). For example as dependence of slime sedimentation in a liquid* (J. Perrin) or as dependence of their brewery** motion (A. Einstein).Today is possible to count on „fingers” leading it on the crystal surface. But... the finger must be quite small and precise. This finger can be a sharp tip of the tungsten needle – when it touches an atom (or better: approaching it, then needle gets slightly bent. Ask at the University - they will show you how it works***.

* Elements distribution of the slime with mass m in function of height h is defined by formula e-mgh/kT ,where k=R/NA is Boltzmann constant

** or better: Brownian motions

*** Gdansk Technical University, for example (and mamy, many other) are equipped with atomic force microscope.

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