How are you miss Orchid?

Plants chemistry

Never put bananas into the same basket with apples! 

It has been known for a long time, that the presence of a box of apples makes ripen a whole hanger of bananas. It was not known why.

An adrenaline for plants, a gaseous hormone, is ethylene (C2H4). Apple trees emit ethylene, when fruits are mellow, orchids - when flowers bloom (and stop emitting when they are emasculated), grapes - when a leaf is broken. How do we know this? Thanks to lasers!



Orchid flowers start to emit ethylene just after being pollinated. In a dry atmosphere this process restarts. 

Effect of delayed desiccation on the ethylene production of emasculated Cymbidium flowers. The ethylene production of non-emasculated flowers was low (~0.5 pmol g-1 h-1) and showed no significant response to the changing RH). E=time of emasculation. 
from: E.J. Woltering and F. Harren, J. Exp. Botany, 40 (1989) 907, with permission
