Multimedia files - films

Atom - fine structure

Electon's spin follows the direction of the external (i.e. orbital) magnetic field


unless it gets opposite ...


Atomic structure - Lamb's correction

Electrons in hydrogen atom are attracted by the nucleus but less than they should be.
It seems that "empty" vacuum is filled with something.
The plastic stick when electrically charged, attracts pieces of paper; it also attracks blade, unless the blade is not in vacuum.

Particular relativity - time dilatation

1. At rest the path is 2L, and time t=2L/v, where v is the velocity of the ball


2. In movement, the path is longer, but also the velocity is higher (unless inrelativity conditions)


See the same from other direction:

at rest

in movement

General relativity - Mercury's orbit

Only 1/r2 field assures closed orbits of planet.
Presence of Sun deforms space geometry - the field is not 1/r2 like: Mercurys' orbit is open.
Try the following gravitational and non-gravitational funnels.


Bose - Einstein condensation

In Bose-Einstein condensation, atoms (rotating tops) are trapped in a shallow magnetic well.

How does the laser work?

Laser requires at least one excited energy level which is enough long-lived (metastable).
Like these tippe-tops.


Greenhouse effect

CO2 molecule absorb heat because it is polyatomic molecule. It means that it can vibrate in different modes and absorb different energy quanta. Look how this bug effectively absorbs (and sends it back to the main spring).This thanks to its six legs.


Here you can see infrared views of different objects and how it can be used to detect objects and diagnostics.

Neutron diagnostic

Neutrons due to their penetrating properties can be used to see interior of different objects. Neutrons are stronger scattered on lighter atoms than on heaviers. Area strongly scattering neutrons are darker. You can see how water is travellin through the flower, pollution inside vacuum pump, construction of weapons and bullets. There is also shown the difference between wet and dry sponge.

Earth shape

Earth is not ideal ellipsoide. In real it is geoide with differences in height +/- 100m.


Superconductors shows extraordinary properties when placed in very low temperature. In the film below you will see levitating superconductor over the magnet, "perperuum mobile" made with use superconductors. You will see also so far unexplained phenomena - rotating superconductor independently on its positron.

Optical fiber

You can see laboratory setup showing how works optical fibers.

That amazing Sun

Here you will se Solar pretuberations, spectra of Sun's light and observation of spots on Sun surface.

Blue laser