Divide indivisible

In 1897, together with the "discovery" of electron, radioactivity emerges - atom has components!

Industrious PhD (she) studentFuture science candidates

The Law of Radioactive Decay

Original instruments used by Joliot-Curie for artificial radiactivity studies
[Science Museum, Londyn]

Fortitous coincidence

rutherfordReplica of Rutherford's apparatus with which he showed that alpha particles were helium nuclei. A copy made in Cambridge in 1998.
[Forum der Technic, Deutsche Museum, Monachium]


A particle from wax chadwickOriginal Chadwick's instruments for studies of neutrons [Deutsche Museum, Monachium]

Whisky and water

Fermi and golden fishes

wilsonWilson's chamber, for studies of particle paths [Science Museum, Londyn]

Faster and faster

Linear accelerators

Synchrotron in Trieste

First English synchrotron from Cambridge (1937)
[Science Museum, Londyn]

Pauli and n(o)eutrinos

Let's get to the islandwyspaNuclear models

Does the world turn right? Celtycki kamien

How, on Tuesday, we broke the parity [A story by Leon Ledermann]

Does the world turn right (II)

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