Physics is fun

Photo Gallery

"Physics is Fun" was the motto of three exhibitions presented by Institute of Physics Pomeranian Pedagogical Academy (IP PPA) in Słupsk during XXXVII Congress of Polish Physicists in Gdańsk. In five halls of Division of Mathematics and Physics at Gdańsk University in 15-18 of September 2003: "Physics and Toys", "204 years of Volta's pile" and "On the Track to Modern Physics" were presented.

All the project was animated by prof. Grzegorz Karwasz. Workers and students of IP PPA were introducing visitors in the world of phenomena hiding behind the toys and demonstrations. Moreover "rope-walker bear" - the mascot of exhibitions (see. photo 1), was inviting visitors in the front of building.

The idea of the exhibition was physical phenomena presentation in funny, non-conventional and visual way both for pupils and professors, who came to the Congress.

"Physics and Toys" " presents collection over 250 interactive exhibits demonstrating physical phenomena in three paths, dedicate to problems of: movement and sound, light and heat. Demonstrations are dedicate first of all to teachers and pupils.

"On the Track of Modern Physics" illustrates evolutions of fundamental conceptions for modern physical world description. The track starts on Demokrit atomism, leads through Max Planck's ideas presented during congress of German Physicist Society in Berlin 19th October 1900, which opened "sack" of new conceptions and experiments and ends on Albert Einstein articles from 1905 concerned with particular theory of relativity.

"204 years of Volta's pile" reconstructs history of discoveries and principles of work of electricity sources, which beginning at Volta coins pile and ends at liquid hydrogen "fuel" pile. It is a proposition for secondary school teachers how in non expensive and easy way enrich school laboratory with new demonstrations illustrating electrostatics phenomena, work principles of galvanic and photovoltaic piles.

During the Congress an about 4000 people have visited exhibitions.

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