Statystyki dla stron Fizyka dla kazdego

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Poland 107692 (86.93%)
United States 9545 (7.7%)
Italy 1635 (1.32%)
Germany 1169 (0.94%)
France 804 (0.65%)
United Kingdom 571 (0.46%)
Canada 256 (0.21%)
Switzerland 247 (0.2%)
Austria 170 (0.14%)
Belgium 162 (0.13%)
India 153 (0.12%)
1 43
love thermometer 1 14
love thermometer 2 4
flying fan 1 4
neutron diffraction 1 3
principle of jet car 1 3
psychometer 1 3
alfa beta gamma 1 2
doswiadczenia z fizyki 1 2
jet car principle 1 2
Love thermometer 1 2
magnetic pendulum 1 2
what is plasma sphere 1 1
expansion love thermometer 1 1
Lave.kethrmamitar 1 1
little town magnetic scetcher 1 1
do??wiadczenia fiztka 1 1
flyingfan 1 1
P. Mozejko, G. Kasperski, C. Szmytkowski, A. Zecca, G. P. Karwasz, L. Del Longo, and R. S. Brusa, Eur. J. Phys. D 6(1999) 481. 1 1
thermal expansion galileos thermometer 1 1
ball ended magnet used in 1 1
Bateria z cytryny 1 1
working function of air jet car 1 1
Mack anti magnet Needle repel 1 1
doświadczenie ping pong i suszarka wyjaśnienie 1 1
jet principle in car 1 1
quantum biology 1 1
sopir love thermometer 1 1
What is Trans resistor 1 1
mosem.water. 1 1
aston's mass spectrograph 1 1
love tarmameter 1 1
Psychometer 1 1
doswiadczenia z fizyki dla gimnazjalisty 1 1
Tippe top 1 1
neutron diffraction principle 1 1
love tharmometer 1 1
proste do??wiadczenia fizyczne dla gimnazjum 1 1
do??wiadczenia fizyka 1 1
einstein magical diagram 1 1
thomson mass parabola method 5 1
ciało z nadmiarem ładunków ujemnych 1 1
poles of a magnet 1 1
love therametor 1 1
Images of neutron diffraction 1 1
metal stick with metal balls 1 1
Einstein explanation of brownian motion 1 1
col karwasz 1 1
battery role wire rotate with magnet 2 1
1 2  [Next >>]

Netherlands 109 (0.09%)
Czech Republic 101 (0.08%)
78 (0.06%)
Ireland 69 (0.06%)
Sweden 65 (0.05%)
Spain 61 (0.05%)
South Korea 60 (0.05%)
Australia 59 (0.05%)
Norway 52 (0.04%)
Russian Federation 47 (0.04%)
Turkey 40 (0.03%)
Japan 39 (0.03%)
Denmark 38 (0.03%)
Lithuania 36 (0.03%)
Ukraine 36 (0.03%)
Algeria 36 (0.03%)
Slovak Republic 34 (0.03%)
Romania 28 (0.02%)
Mexico 25 (0.02%)
Hungary 25 (0.02%)
22 (0.02%)
Slovenia 20 (0.02%)
Brazil 19 (0.02%)
Croatia 18 (0.01%)
Greece 17 (0.01%)
Bulgaria 17 (0.01%)
Pakistan 16 (0.01%)
Hong Kong 16 (0.01%)
Singapore 15 (0.01%)
Finland 13 (0.01%)
Philippines 13 (0.01%)
Portugal 12 (0.01%)
Thailand 12 (0.01%)
Kazakhstan 12 (0.01%)
Israel 11 (0.01%)
Bosnia-Herzegovina 11 (0.01%)
Indonesia 10 (0.01%)
9 (0.01%)
Nigeria 8 (0.01%)
Luxembourg 8 (0.01%)
Benin 8 (0.01%)
New Zealand 7 (0.01%)
South Africa 7 (0.01%)
Taiwan 6 (0%)
Saudi Arabia 6 (0%)
Sri Lanka 5 (0%)
Madagascar 5 (0%)
Latvia 5 (0%)
Lebanon 5 (0%)
Argentina 5 (0%)
Estonia 5 (0%)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 5 (0%)
Belarus 5 (0%)
Cameroon 4 (0%)
Vietnam 4 (0%)
Peru 4 (0%)
United Arab Emirates 4 (0%)
Albania 4 (0%)
Tunisia 3 (0%)
Malta 3 (0%)
Malaysia 3 (0%)
3 (0%)
Iceland 3 (0%)
Egypt 3 (0%)
Puerto Rico 2 (0%)
Chile 2 (0%)
Ghana 2 (0%)
Haiti 2 (0%)
Kuwait 2 (0%)
Colombia 2 (0%)
Congo 2 (0%)
Venezuela 2 (0%)
Morocco 2 (0%)
Ecuador 2 (0%)
Georgia 2 (0%)
Gibraltar 2 (0%)
Chad 2 (0%)
Isle of Man 1 (0%)
Kenya 1 (0%)
Guatemala 1 (0%)
Laos 1 (0%)
Azerbaidjan 1 (0%)
Nepal 1 (0%)
Oman 1 (0%)
Senegal 1 (0%)
1 (0%)
1 (0%)
Cape Verde 1 (0%)
Moldova 1 (0%)
1 (0%)
Libya 1 (0%)
Armenia 1 (0%)
Mali 1 (0%)
Burundi 1 (0%)
Guadeloupe (French) 1 (0%)
Iraq 1 (0%)
Bahrain 1 (0%)
Greenland 1 (0%)
Tanzania 1 (0%)
Mongolia 1 (0%)
Rwanda 1 (0%)
China 1 (0%)

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