Commision of the European Communities, Research Directorate-General, Structuring the European Research Area
Specific Support Action: Science and Society Project No. 020772 PhysFun

modern PAP UJ foton

Kwarki  i skwarki - LINKS

Leptons, hadrons, quarks

One of the best Polish web-sites about basic matter elements and theoretical models of onteractions. Besides informations at basic level author presents also basics of their mathematical description.

autor Jerzy Sikorski, IFTiA UG

Structure of the matter

Source of short informations about basic matter's "bricks".

Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Turku

Redaktor strony: Adam Bartczak

Hosted by ITQ Wrocław


All what you want to know about quarks.

autor  Carl R. (Rod) Nave  Georgia State University

copyright HyperPhysics (©C.R. Nave, 2006)

The Higgs Boson

Which properties Higgs boson has? How it gives non-zero masses to the other matter particles?

copyright © 2000 The Exploratorium



Wybór stron i opracowanie:
Wiesław Zajiczek, student IV roku fizyki UJ (2005/2006)

koordynacja: Dr Zofia Gołąb-Meyer (UJ), Prof. Grzegorz Karwasz (PAP)

Administrator: Dr Damian Pliszka, Instytut Fizyki, Pomorska Akademia Pedagogiczna, 76200 Słupsk, Poland