Multimedia files - sounds


Atomic structure - Bohr model

Electron travels on a circular orbit in a way that de Broglie wave is a standing one - position of arrows are constant.

Like the vibrating wine glass kiel or a "Chinese" bowl was

The bowl can also vibrate making not 4 miskja but 6 miska arrows on the circle -

it "plays" not its first (fundamental)miska but higher harmonics aw.
For the hydrogen atom this would be the third orbit.

Obviosly, the bowl is not the best instuments to hear clearly harmonics-

try the first fut and second harmonics flit

 flet of this flute. Try violin wiol and see its frequency spectrum violin .

How does the laser work?

Very simple! It is just a single tube with gas and two mirrors on ends.

To make it "singing" at a certain frequency (color) it is just enough to adjust the length of the tube to the wavelength of the light (i.e. to its multiple).

Exactly the same, as this didgeridoo player [1] does.

Very, very recent lasers, allowing to observe single electron in flight [2] emmit ultrafast puleses, which are, due to Heisenberg principle, not any more of well defined color but white. Like "white" is this sound [3] niagara .
If you don't believe, just watch pianothis sound!

[1] “Fruits fo the Forest” from “Didgeridoo, Tribal Spirit” by Tjnara Goreng-Goreng,  Simon Black plays on didgeridoo, Mazur Media, 2002
[2] J. Itani et al., Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals, Nature 432 (Dec. 2004) 867
[3] Fryderyk Chopin, Impromptu cis-moll op.posth., plays Rafał Lewandowski, Futurex, 2001