Little Curie...

Eighteen small trucks called little Curies, fitted out with radiological equipment, were produced during the 1st WW.

Marie and her 17-years-old-daughter Irene as a  volunteers regularly went to the front.

Beautiful Sklodowskite

Copyright © Lou Perloff / Photo Atlas of Minerals


Hydrated Magnesium Uranyl Silicate  Radioactivity greater than 70 Bq/gram

BIG Curie,
small Becquerel

   1 curie = 37000000000 becquerel  

The Radium Standards Committee decided that the unit of radioactivity, curie – chosen to honour Pierre - should be the amount of radon in equilibrium with 10-8 grams of radium.
Marie did not accepted the proposal: she felt that the use of the name curie for so infinitesimally small a quantity of anything was altogether inappropriate. She insisted  that the unit be based on one gram of radium. It was then a  "legendary" amount

