Higgs wanted

Most wanted

Higgs’ boson is the most wanted particle in the high energy Physics.

The reason of the asymmetry between electromagnetic and weak interactions is (hypothetical) particle called Higgs's boson. Photon has no weight, so electromagnetic interaction, like the gravitational one, has an infinite range. The weak interaction, with a range of about quark size (if we can say anything about their dimensions at all) - it means less than 10-16 cm, has as agents (i.e. intermediators) massive bosons: two charged (W+ i W-) with a mass 81 GeV/c2 and one neutral Z0 (m=93 GeV/c2).

Mass of bosons  W i Z mass, according to the most probable theories, result from their interaction with  Higgs boson. Higgs also supplies the mass to quarks and leptons (different, for different families of quarks and leptons). In vacuum, after Higgs' disappearing,  remains a hole, called Higgs' ghost.
