All is trembling

Magic flute

A simple flute produces a very complex sound, with various harmonic components, according to whether the flute remains closed or open. The its characteristic is called "stamp".

During the same time Pierre-Simon de Laplace lived. Recommended by Alembert became in 1773 member of the French Academy of Science, and in 1796 professor of L’École Normale in Paris. 

P.-S. de Laplace (1749-1827)

First he made assumptions on the formation of the solar system starting from a nebula. The existence of stable particular points between Jupiter and the Sun were confirmed from the astronomical observations only recently (1996). 

Laplace’s transformation is generalized approach of Fourier: each function, not necessarily periodic can be substituted. For transformed of Laplace are delighted the electric theorists of circuits, considering which it makes it possible to solve complicated differential equations.
