
As a part of the project there were organized and we participated in numerous exhibitions both in Poland and abroad.

IV Bałtycki Festiwal Nauki (IV Baltic Festival of Science), 25-28.5.2006, Słupsk (Poland)

II Festiwal Nauki (Festival of Science), 5-6.6.2006, Ostrów Wlkp (Poland)

3rd Internatioal GIREP Seminar, 6-9.09.2005 Lubljana (Slovenia)

10th Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, 5-7.10.2005, Berlin (Germany)


OPEN Days Ecole Centrale Paris, 5-9.12.2005, Chatenay-Malabry (France)

38th Polish Physical Society Meeting, 11-16.9.2005, Warsaw (Poland)


Giornate Scientifiche dell'Universita di Udine, 29-31.3.2006, Udine (Italy)


Porte aperte Universita di Trento, 18-26.2.2006, Povo (Italy)