
A nuclear fusion reactor produces high power.

Working at temperatures higher than those inside the Sun, the Tokamak reactor at Princeton University generates megawatts of power for one second through thermo-nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes. Later the device achieves even higher powers, and although it delivers less energy than it uses, these are important steps toward obtaining power from fusion.

Discovery of top quark

After eighteen years of researches using many accelerators, CDF and D0 experiments performed at Fermilab allowed to discoved top quark. It has unexpected high mass - 175 GeV. No one knows why its mass is so different from remaining five quarks masses.

Quantum action at a distance is confirmed over a range of kilometers.

Quantum theory predicts that two widely separated particles can be "entangled" so a measurement on one instantaneously affects the measured properties of the other. Einstein called this troubling effect "spooky," but encouraged by earlier observations in various laboratories, a Swiss group, led by physicist Nicolas Gisin, confirm it over a distance of eleven kilometers. 

Discovery of taon neutrino

Fermilab scientists announced in 2000 about discovery of taon neutrino - last of the particles predicted by so called Standard Model. Physicists bombarded tungsten target with proton beam. They suspected that additional result of the collisions will be taon neutrinos. Behind the target they placed sensitive film, with which neutrino though not very strongly should interact. It was predicted that through the film should pass more than nudred milliards of taon neutrinos, but only five left aboul one millimeter long track.