Physics in Funnels

G. P. Karwasz1), T. Wróblewski2), A. Niedzicka3), W. Niedzicki4), M. Brunato1)

1) Trento University: Engineering Fac., Dept. Mathematics, Dept. Informatics, 38050 Povo, Italy
2) Institute of Physics, Pomeranian Pedagogical Academy, 76-200 Slupsk, Poland
3) Anna Niedzicka Ambernet Sp. z o.o. 01-541 Warszawa, Poland
4) Dept. Mechatronics Warsaw Technical University and Polish TVd , 02-525 Warszawa, Poland

GIREP's emblem is a funnel - this seems to be a parabolic funnel. "Gravitational" funnels are well known for illustrating motion of planets or collecting spare coins at London Stansted airport. Orbits in these funnels are, to the first approximation, closed. This reflects particular form of the gravitational potential, 1/r and is important, say, for the constancy of the climate on Earth. In real gravitational funnels the orbits are not exactly closed, due to finite dimensions of coins, their spin motions and not exact 1/r potential. If you take any funnel, orbits are open immediately, not into the "first" approximation. The only other potential assuring closed orbits is the harmonic one, r2, i.e. a ball kept by springs. This is due to a particular property of the Hamiltonian for these two interactions, which is transformable into a linear function of the action [3].

A different field than 1/r explains, as shown by Einstein, the precession of the Mercury orbit. Precisely, one should speak not of the different mathematical form, but a different measure of the gravitationally deformed "r". For computer fans we show a programme, in which one can experience difficulties in constructing a Solar system. So funnels can be used to explain Physics, not only to transfer it into pupils brains.

[3] We thank to prof. Enrico Pagani for valuable remarks.